Gabriela Watson
Produtora Audiovisual
Projects and achievements:
During the years 2006 and 2010, she founded and was part of the group "Dandaras" that produced a fanzine, the radio program "Dandaras", aired by Radio Gazeta Am 890 kW, and the event Agostro Negro at Casper in Casper Libero College.
She produced three editions of "Atlantic Mirror - A Showing of Films from Africa and the Diaspora" at Caixa Cultural Rio, between 2008 and 2010.
She attended as a researcher at Master Programat Uuniversity of São Paulo SP the discipline: "Televisual and Identity Narratives," for which she wrote the article "The construction of the identity of black women through the series Antonia" in 2010.
As part of the work of the NSOROMA Collective she produced the "Afrolatina Intervention", in 2011, on the day of Black Consciousness, an offshoot of the work of singer and researcher Danielle Almeida, this is a musical repertory afrolatino merged with projected images and african dance presented by the anthropologist and dancer Luciane Ramos.
Gabriela produced and directed the documentary Nosotros, Afroperuanos (We, Afro-Peruvians, Peru / Brazil, 2012, with Danielle Almeida), the video shows the reality of the Afro-Peruvian population and its influence on Peruvian culture.
Gabriela also was a producer of the documentary: "Zeca, the poet of Casa Verde" (Brazil, Akins Kinte, 2011), about the artist, composer and Zeca samba São Paulo's Casa Verde.
She worked in Casablanca TeleImage Group in the production of programs and projects. Among her works performed in TeleImage highlight the program of the design program, "Nos Trinques" (GNT, 2011), the assistance of post-production of the film "Beyond the Road" by Charly Braun, as well as translation and subtitling many films and novels, contacting film distributors, festivals and international labels.
English Version:
Gabriela is Brazilian with Afro-Peruvian descent, she holds a BA in Communications by Faculdade Casper Líbero in São Paulo, where she had a background experience in Production of Broadcast TV Journalism, documentaries, film festivals and TV programs. Gabriela also develops projects related to culture and audiovisual media through independent artistic collectives as organization of events and documentaries focused on Afro-Latino issues as racism, African Diaspora, black identity and education. Her documentary “Nosotros, Afroperuanos” (We, Afro-Peruvians) was screened in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, NY and Washington DC. She is a current MFA candidate in Film at Temple University, in Philadelphia - USA.
Projects and achievements:
During the years 2006 and 2010, she founded and was part of the group "Dandaras" that produced a fanzine, the radio program "Dandaras", aired by Radio Gazeta Am 890 kW, and the event Agostro Negro at Casper in Casper Libero College.
She produced three editions of "Atlantic Mirror - A Showing of Films from Africa and the Diaspora" at Caixa Cultural Rio, between 2008 and 2010.
She attended as a researcher at Master Programat Uuniversity of São Paulo SP the discipline: "Televisual and Identity Narratives," for which she wrote the article "The construction of the identity of black women through the series Antonia" in 2010.
As part of the work of the NSOROMA Collective she produced the "Afrolatina Intervention", in 2011, on the day of Black Consciousness, an offshoot of the work of singer and researcher Danielle Almeida, this is a musical repertory afrolatino merged with projected images and african dance presented by the anthropologist and dancer Luciane Ramos.
The Collective also delivered the lecture on "Ethnic-Racial Reality in Brazil and Latin America", in two Station Terminals of Petrobras, in December 2011.
Gabriela produced and directed the documentary Nosotros, Afroperuanos (We, Afro-Peruvians, Peru / Brazil, 2012, with Danielle Almeida), the video shows the reality of the Afro-Peruvian population and its influence on Peruvian culture.
Gabriela also was a producer of the documentary: "Zeca, the poet of Casa Verde" (Brazil, Akins Kinte, 2011), about the artist, composer and Zeca samba São Paulo's Casa Verde.
She worked in Casablanca TeleImage Group in the production of programs and projects. Among her works performed in TeleImage highlight the program of the design program, "Nos Trinques" (GNT, 2011), the assistance of post-production of the film "Beyond the Road" by Charly Braun, as well as translation and subtitling many films and novels, contacting film distributors, festivals and international labels.
Gabriela currently is a MFA - Master of Fine Arts Candidate in Film and Media Arts at Temple University, in Philadelphia - USA.
Bacharel em Comunicação Social com habilitação em Rádio e TV pela Faculdade Cásper Líbero, Gabriela Watson tem experiência na área de produção audiovisual em programas de rádio, programas de TV, documentários, jornalismo, vídeos curta-metragem, mostras de cinema, elaboração de pautas, redação e tradução de projetos, textos, roteiros e produção de intervenções artísticas. Alia produção de projetos comerciais à produção cultural. Pesquisa sobre a representação do negro na TV e no cinema, cultura afrobrasileira e afrolatina.
Projetos e realizações:
Durante os anos de 2006 e 2010, fundou e fez parte do grupo “Dandaras” que produzia um fanzine, o programa de rádio “Dandaras”, veiculado pela Rádio Gazeta Am 890 kW, e o evento Agostro Negro na Cásper, na Faculdade Cásper Líbero.
Produziu as três edições de “Espelho Atlântico – mostra de cinema da África e da Diáspora”, na Caixa Cultural do Rio, mostra elaborada pela cineasta Lilian Santiago, entre 2008 e 2010.
Cursou a disciplina de mestrado da ECA/ USP: “Narrativas Televisuais e Identidade”, para a qual escreveu o artigo “A construção da identidade da mulher negra através do seriado Antonia”, em 2010.
Como parte do trabalho do Coletivo NSOROMA produziu a “Intervenção Afrolatina”, em 2011, no dia da Consciência Negra, um desdobramento do trabalho da cantora e pesquisadora Danielle Almeida, trata-se de uma apresentação musical de repertório afrolatino mesclada com projeção de fotos, imagens e com a dança afro da antropóloga e dançarina Luciane Ramos.
Proferiu a palestra "Realidade Étnico-Racial no Brasil e na América Latina", em dois terminais da Petrobrás, com o Coletivo de Arte e Pesquisa NSOROMA, em dezembro de 2011.
Produziu e dirigiu o documentário Nosotros, Afroperuanos (Nós, afroperuanos, Peru/Brasil, 2011, com Danielle Almeida), o vídeo mostra a realidade da população afroperuana e sua influência na cultura do país.
Também como produtora foi responsável pelo documentário: “Zeca, o poeta da Casa Verde” (Brasil, Akins Kinte, 2011), sobre o artista, compositor e sambista paulistano Zeca da Casa Verde.
Trabalhou na TeleImage do grupo Casablanca na área de produção de programas e projetos. Entre seus trabalhos realizados na TeleImage destacam-se a produção do programa sobre design, “Nos Trinques” (GNT, 2011), a assistência de pós-produção do filme "Além da Estrada", de Charly Braun, além de tradução e legendagem de diversos filmes e novelas, contato com distribuidoras de filmes, festivais e gravadoras internacionais.
Atualmente está fazendo mestrado no programa MFA - Master in Film and Media Arts na Universidade de Temple na cidade de Filadélfia, Estados Unidos.
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