6º Encontro de Cinema Negro: Brasil, África e Caribe
Organizado pelo diretor e ator: Zózimo Bulbul
no Cine Odeon - Novembro 2012
6th Meeting of Black Cinema: Brazil, Africa and the Caribbean
Organized by the director and actor: Zozimo Bulbul
Cine Odeon - November 2012
6th Meeting of Black Cinema: Brazil, Africa and the Caribbean
Organized by the director and actor: Zozimo Bulbul
Cine Odeon - November 2012
Estreia do documentário "Nosotros, afroperuanos"
Direção: Gabriela Watson e Danielle Almeida
Rio de Janeiro´s Premiere of the documentary "Nosotros, afroperuanos"
Director: Gabriela Watson and Danielle Almeida
Rio de Janeiro´s Premiere of the documentary "Nosotros, afroperuanos"
Director: Gabriela Watson and Danielle Almeida
O Encontro de Cinema Negro, Brasil, Africa e Caribe é o único encontro nacional que reúne cineastas negros e com produções relacionadas a negritude, da África, dos países americanos, como Estados Unidos, Cuba e Caribe, além do Brasil. A importância desde festival ainda não foi devidamente apropriada. Em 2013, o Encontro teve sua 6 ª Edição e eu tive a benção para que o documentário "Nosotros, afroperuanos" fosse selecionado, tendo assim sua estreia em terras cariocas no famoso Cine Odeon, no mesmo cinema onde ocorre o Festival de Cinema do Rio, que é amplamente difundido na mídia, ao contrário do que ocorre com o Encontro de Cinema Negro.
Críticas a parte, este foi o último Encontro organizado pelo grande ator e diretor Zózimo Bulbul, pois ele veio a falecer em janeiro deste ano, 2013.
English Version:
6th Meeting of Black Cinema: Brazil, Africa and the Caribbean is the only national festival that brings together filmmakers and productions related black blackness, African, American countries, like the United States, Cuba and the Caribbean, as well as Brazil. The importance os this festival is yet to be appropriate. In 2013, the Meeting had its 6th edition and I had the blessed with the selection of "Nosotros, afroperuanos", thus having its premiere in Rio lands in the famous Cine Odeon in the same theater where the Rio Film Festival takes place in Rio which is widespread in the media, on contrary to what occurs with the Meeting of Black Cinema. Criticisms aside, this was the last meeting organized by the great actor and director Zozimo Bulbul, because he died in January, 2013.
Zózimo foi famoso por atuar em novelas, sendo o primeiro negro protagonista negro de uma novela, e também de filmes incluindo produções do Cinema Novo, ganhou destaque como ator, manequim, posteriormente passou a realizar suas próprias produções audiovisuais, como diretor, produções estas, relacionadas a questões da realidade afro-brasileira. Como muitos artistas brasileiros, teve mais reconhecimento no exterior do que aqui no Brasil.
Zozimo was famous for acting in telenovelas, he was the first black protagonist of publicity and novels, as well as film productions including the "New Cinema/ Cinema Novo Period", he gained prominence as an actor, mannequin, later came to realize their own audiovisual productions as director, these productions are about issues related to the african-Brazilian reality. Like many Brazilian artists had more recognition abroad than here in Brazil.
Curador e organizador: Zózimo Bulbul
Muito obrigada, mestre!
Curator and organizer: Zozimo Bulbul
Thank you, master!
Curator and organizer: Zozimo Bulbul
Thank you, master!
Zozimo dando entrevista |
Zozimo foi entrevistado pelo cineasta americano Spike Lee |
Cineastas |
Well, back to the subject of the meeting of Black Cinema, I had a unique opportunity to meet and talk with filmmakers of the African Diaspora. I met filmmakers from Burkina Faso, Guadeloupe, Cuba and Cape Verde, as well as other Brazilian filmmakers. This interaction was extremely important to understand that we are all seeking our identity. We are all looking to express ourselves through audiovisual and often wanting to answer the same questions and concerns. Who are we? What is the impact of African descent in my and our lives? These and other concerns turns us in mirrors to each other. I stayed for days reflecting on the contact with these filmmakers and their works.
Nessa edição tive o prazer de estar presente na exibição do documentário do meu amigo e parceiro Akins Kinte, "Zeca, o poeta da Casa Verde", do qual fiz a produção, além do documentário que dirigi "Nosotros, Afroperuanos". Nosotros foi bem recebido pelo público, aproximaram-se estudantes, ativistas e professores que me perguntam sobre a possibilidade de levar o documentário para ongs e salas de aula. Então este ano de 2013 estou articulando para ver se conseguimos mais este passo.
In this edition I had the pleasure to attend the screening of the documentary my friend and partner Akins Kinte, "Zeca, the poet of the Green House", which I produced also.
We, Afro-Peruvians was well received by the audience, approached students, activists and teachers who ask me about the possibility of bringing the documentary to NGOs and classrooms. So this year 2013 I am organizing to see if we can over this step.
In this edition I had the pleasure to attend the screening of the documentary my friend and partner Akins Kinte, "Zeca, the poet of the Green House", which I produced also.
We, Afro-Peruvians was well received by the audience, approached students, activists and teachers who ask me about the possibility of bringing the documentary to NGOs and classrooms. So this year 2013 I am organizing to see if we can over this step.
Cineasta cubano Rigoberto Lopez |
Mesa de discussão dos cineastas |
Mesa de discussão das cineastas |
Gabriela apresentando o documentário antes da exibição |
Gabriela com a cineasta Suzane Kourouma |
Gabriela, Akins Kinte e Cecilia |
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